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[ALEV] "Collective Redress"

2009-05-13 24

Video summary of the ALDE Seminar "Collective Redress: Moving the debate forward"

Event date: 04/03/09 15:00 to 18:30
Location: Room JAN 4Q1, European Parliament, Brussels

Collective redress is a mechanism to seek redress when multiple victims are harmed by the same or a similar practice of a trader, for example, by regularly and illegally overcharging all their customers).
ALDE seminar "Collective redress: moving the debate forward" will focus on the risks and opportunities of a collective redress mechanism at EU level and on the features of such a system.


MEP's Concerned:
Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Olle Schmidt and Diana Wallis
For more information: Sauerteig Karin - Tel: +32 2 283 21 89

Committee IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection

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